
Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers Receives Standing Ovation After Shooting Rampage

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Kevin Vickers Sergeant-At-Arms Given Standing Ovation Canadian parliament. Hero Kevin Vickers is honored in parliament. Vickers shot the jihadist intruder dead. Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers, hailed as a hero for helping stop the Ottawa shooter yesterday, enters the Hall of Honor in Parliament to applause from staffers

Kevin Vickers sergent d' armes Étant donné Standing Ovation Parlement canadien . Hero Kevin Vickers est à l'honneur au Parlement. Vickers a tiré l'intrus djihadiste mort . Le se

23 Oct 2014

881 Visualizações

after, canada, kevin, ovation, rampage, receives, sergeant-at-arms, shooting, standing, vickers

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