
Renaud Lavillenie Breaks Sergei Bubka's 21 year-old Indoor Pole Vault (NEW WORLD

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The French beat the world record of Sergei Bubka in Donetsk, in the country of the legendary Ukrainian pole vaulter! The world record outdoors remains held by the Ukrainian with 6m14 dated July 31, 1994 Sestriere. Therefore the French pole vaulter enters the legend of the sport with this outstanding performance.

Renaud Lavillenie bat le record du monde en salle avec 6m16 (15/02/2014)
Renaud Lavillenie bat le record du monde en salle avec 6m16 (15/02/2014)
Renaud Lavillenie bat le record d

16 Feb 2014

306 Visualizações

21, breaks, bubka's, indoor, lavillenie, pole, renaud, sergei, vault, year-old

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